Below is a straightforward initial approach to setting up Amazon ads. You should monitor this daily to see what’s working and what’s not (feel free to tweak it over time!)
1. Sign in to
2. Select the book you want to advertise from your KDP bookshelf.
3. Click “promote and advertise”
4. Under “Run an ad campaign,” choose a marketplace (the region you are targeting) and click “Create an ad campaign.”
5. You will need to add information about setting up your payment methods the first time you run an ad campaign
6. Select ‘Sponsored Products’ which will engage readers looking for a particular genre or theme
7. Select ‘Standard ad’
8. Select ‘Manual targeting’
9. Select 'Keyword targeting’
10. Under Keyword targeting choose ‘Enter list’
The advertisement will work by bidding on keywords which trigger your ad to appear in search results. It’s therefore very important that you choose the most relevant keywords for your campaign. Don’t forget to include the titles and authors of books similar to yours (your compares) and the keywords you identified when researching your compares.
Cut and paste from your list into the keyword option space.
11. Select ‘filter by’ option of Broad, Phrase or Exact Broad – Your ad can show if the search term contains all parts of your keyword, in any order, and may include additional words.
Phrase – Amazon shows the ad if the search term contains your exact keyword phrase in the same order, but can include additional words before or after.
Exact – Your ad shows only if the search term exactly matches your keyword, with minor variations like plurals or misspellings.
Each match has its own advantages - Broad Match is great for expanding reach and discovering new keywords, while Exact Match ensures high relevance and conversion rates.
Our preference is Exact match if you have a healthy list of keywords.
Amazon also makes suggested keywords which you can add to your list of keywords.
12. Under ‘Negative keywords’ add in Free book and Free eBook
13. Set your bids – if you are unsure at what value to set your bidding, you can leave your settings on Amazon’s default bids as a starting point. These are based on historical data and competition, then you can adjust based on performance. By regularly monitoring your ad, you can adjust bids based on what’s working, increasing bids for high-performing keywords and decreasing or pausing bids for underperforming ones
14. Set your timeframe and daily budget, for example $10/day for 2 weeks
Meta Ads setup
We highly recommend the instructions provided by Kindlepreneur for setting up Facebook ads to direct to your Amazon page: